Seat Reservation
A webpage for making seat reservation that best supports students' studying environment at the main library in University of California, Davis.

11/3/2021 - 11/15/2021
(2 weeks)
User Research: Survey
Adobe XD
Google Form
Project Background
Many UC Davis students use the Shields Library for multiple purposes, but not all students are able to find desirable seats. This issue is critical especially during the final exam season since more students come to the library for a better studying environment.
In order to prevent this issue we wanted to design a system that allows students to reserve seats so they are guaranteed to sit in their favorite seat when needed.

photo from The California Aggie, by Anh-Tram Bui
It's all about the users!
To better understand our users' point of views and their pain points,
I conducted survey with 10+ UC Davis students.
I asked,
how long do you spend, in average, to find desired seats in the library?
Students spend
9-12 minutes finding seats

Students spend
1-3 minutes finding seats
I found that more than half of our respondents spend more than 5 minutes to find seats.
The research results narrowed users into two groups:
Students who came to the library to study alone or study as a group
Group 1: Studying Alone

Group 2: Studying With Friends

Designing User Flow
Flow 1: helps users find their preference first and then proceed with the reservation process
Flow 2: allows users to utilize pre-set preferences to proceed with the reservation process

Working with Ambiguous Ideas

Through wireframes, I narrowed down possible ideas into more tangible images.
These are the sketches of our screens, which contained four sections.
Sign in
Select what library to reserve for
Reserve a seat
Receive a verification message.
Low Fidelity
The low fidelity screens demonstrate basic features that the user will interact with, and briefly show what kind of information users will see.
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
> Click on the image for a bigger view <
Usability Test
Before I moved on to the high fidelity, I conducted usability tests to make sure that the designs were easy to understand for the users.
This is what I did:
Conducted user test from 6 UC Davis students​
​Participants were asked to reserve a single seat (not group study)​
What I found
Having two main Call To Actions in the home page is confusing
"Help Me Reserve" = remove because the users will not be seeking for help before they begin the reservation process​
Preferences for seat selection may not be necessary for all students
add a button that leads users to their profile page to add or edit their preferences​
Having a summary section helped the participants double check their selection and reassure their selections
Consolidating Branding & Features

As this was a redesign project of an existing platform, the color palette and typeface was already set for UC Davis. So, we decided to move forward with UC Davis colors and a typeface that UC Davis Canvas page use.
What's Next?
Since this project was completed within a very short time frame, there were many things that I wanted to further develop in the future:
Allow students to select different floors of the library and have better map of the library
Create QR code for library check-in and check-outs
Keeping track of ongoing changes in environment of the library; the noise level and crowd level will consistently change so it should be regularly updated
Mobile version of the application for better accessibility
1. Simple Tasks Also Require Many Considerations
Many things should be considered for while designing any reservation system like environment, security, and rules.
considering exterior environment and system that helps the reservation system run effectively.
2. User Testers Give Great Insights
The best method of receiving feedback from the potential users is user testing; we were able to observe any confusions and obstacles from the users through their facial expressions and the interviews after the user test